Doctor free to practice without restriction

Doctor free to practice without restriction

Our client faced a number of allegations but with our representation, their fitness to practise was not found impaired, and they are free to practice without restriction. We worked with this doctor from very early on in the process, successfully persuading GMC case...
GMC Health Assessments – What doctors need to know

GMC Health Assessments – What doctors need to know

If the General Medical Council’s (GMC) receive complaints or evidence that a doctor’s fitness to practise may be impaired as a result of a physical or mental health issues (also referred to as “adverse health”), it has the power to direct the doctor to undertake a...
Sexual Misconduct & Fitness to Practise

Responding to GMC concerns – Insight and Remediation

The way a doctor responds to a fitness to practice concern can influence the outcome of their investigation.  The right response can lead to less severe sanctions or, in some cases, no sanctions being imposed.  We look specifically at insight and remediation and how...
Sexual Misconduct & Fitness to Practise

What does the Good Medical Practice say about Honesty & Doctors?

Honesty is at the heart of medical professionalism and is essential for the public to have trust in particularly doctors. Dishonesty is particularly problematic for the General Medical Council (GMC) because it points to character flaws that are difficult to remediate...